There are only a handful of authors publishing on tourism legislation in the CR while older literature is almost inapplicable and its scope is minimal. More publications have been published only by Klára (Havlíčková) Dvořáková, attorney, and René Petráš from the Faculty of Law of Charles University (PFUK). Among others, there is for instance work of Renata Králová, currently the Director of the Tourism Department at the Ministry for Regional Development. Jan Štermberk from the University of Business has published number of highly regarded works about the tourism development but he addresses the legal aspects only in a limited way. Also publications of non-lawyers are of utmost importance, especially works of economists in terms of the broad context of the many years forthcoming Act on Support of Tourism Development, where number of books are Šárka Tittelbachová, Petr Studnička or Lucie Plzáková, who works at the Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague. Interesting works on specific legal aspects of tourism were also elaborated by Petr Houška.

In spite of the fundamental development of tourism law research in recent years and apart from rather isolated articles, there are only a few useful books dealing with issue complexly, namely Petráš: Law and Tourism (Právo a cestovní ruch, 2013), which contains rather textbook-like presentation, more detailed Havlíčková – Králová: Travel law (Cestovní právo, 2015), also Linderová: Tourism / theoretical and legal bases (Cestovní ruch / teoretická a právní východiska, 2015) can be mentioned. The major role has the monothematic issue of the magazine Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 3/2016 which is also available in an electronic version – see Abroad, the Czech legislation is described only exceptionally (e.g. an article by Eva Dobrovolná in Tourismusrecht Jahrbuch 16, 2016). In Slovakia, whose legislation on tourism is very similar to the Czech one, the situation with expert literature is even worse when only rare articles can be found. Probably the only extensive publication is the Tourism Law (Právo cestovného ruchu, 2014) prepared by experts from Trnava University.


JUDr. PhDr. René Petráš, Ph.D. Since 2000 he has been working at the Law Faculty of Charles University (PFUK). Since 2009 he has also been teaching at the University of Jan Amos Comenius, Prague, among other subjects also the field of tourism management. He studied law at the Faculty of Law of Charles University and also history, specializing in international relations, at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University. He mostly focuses on the development of legal status of national minorities in the Czech Lands of the twentieth century (author of a number of books – e.g. Minorities in inter-war Czechoslovakia – Menšiny v meziválečném Československu, 2009, Minorities in Communist Czechoslovakia – Menšiny v komunistickém Československu, 2007, Foreigners in Their Own Country – Cizinci ve vlastní zemi, 2012, Minorities and Law in Czechoslovakia 1918-1992, in English 2017, and dozens of articles). Author of more than 160 publications in Czech, but also in German, English, French, Russian, dozens of them are dealing with the legal regulation of tourism (e.g. COT magazine).

Selection from publications:

– Právo a cestovní ruch [Law and Tourism], Prague 2013, 224 pages

-Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 3/2016, monothematic issue of magazine dedicated to law and tourism, 182 pages (editor) see

– Současné změny právní úpravy cestovního ruchu [Recent changes in tourism legislation], in: Aktuální problémy cestovního ruchu / Nové trendy a technologie v cestovním ruchu [Present problems of tourism / New trends and technologies in tourism], Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická 2012, pp. 192-202

– Problémy právní úpravy cestovního ruchu, Studia turistica [Problems of tourism legislation, Studia turistica] (online magazine July 2012, pp. 54-61

– Nový občanský zákoník a jeho dopady na společnost a cestovní ruch [New Civil Code and its impact on society and tourism], in: Aktuální problémy cestovního ruchu / Cestovní ruch a jeho dopady na společnost [Present problems of tourism / New trends and technologies in tourism], Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická 2014, s. 204-211

– Transformace právní úpravy cestovního ruchu a lázeňství [Transformation of tourism and spas legislation], in: Aktuální trendy lázeňství, hotelnictví a turismu [Present trends of spas, hotel industry and tourism], Tábor, Slezská univerzita v Opavě 2015, pp. 221-229

– Právní problematika ve vztahu k cestovnímu ruchu [Legal issues in relation to tourism], in: Marketing a management cestovního ruchu na národní a regionální úrovni [Marketing and management of tourism on national and regional level], Praha, UJAK 2015, pp. 117-127

– Transformace právní úpravy cestovního ruchu v České republice a v Evropské unii [Transformation of tourism legislation in the Czech Republic and in the European Union], in: Aktuální problémy cestovního ruchu / Cestovní ruch: vývoj – změny – perspektivy [Recent issues of tourism / Tourism: development – changes – perspectives], Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická 2015, pp. 351-360

– Tradice právní úpravy cestovního ruchu a současnost [Tradition of tourism legislation and presence], Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 3/2016, pp. 11-27

– Současné změny právní úpravy cestovního ruchu [Current changes in tourism legislation], in: Aktuální problémy cestovního ruchu / Místní bohatství a cestovní ruch [Recent issues of tourism / Local wealth and tourism], Jihlava, Vysoká škola polytechnická 2016, pp. 336-345

JUDr. Klára Dvořáková (née Havlíčková), M.A. Attorney-at-law, partner at Holubová advokáti s.r.o. She has been involved in tuition of the subject Law and Tourism since its beginning at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in 2014. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Political Science of the State University of Kansas (2004) and the Faculty of Law of Charles University (2008). She specializes in travel law, damages and cross-border disputes. Author of dozens of publications on tourism legislation, especially in the COT magazine.

Selection from publications:

– Cestovní právo [Travel law], Praha,C.H.Beck, 2015, 474 pages (together with Králová, R.)

– Odčinění újmy za narušení dovolené – inspirace v praxi německých a britských soudů, Rekodifikace a praxe 3/2016 [Injury atonement for breaking holiday – inspired by the practice of the German and British courts, Re-codification and practice]

– Význam rozsudků soudů ČR při zajištění nároků klientů v případě úpadku cestovní kanceláře [The importance of judgments of the Czech courts in ensuring the claims of clients in the event of bankruptcy of a travel agency], Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 3/2016, pp. 101-122

JUDr. Renata Králová. She works at the Ministry for Regional Development where she currently runs the Department of Tourism. She has been pursueing the travel law for more than ten years, among others through publishing articles and giving occasional lectures. She took part in negotiations on the draft of the EU directive on package travel and linked travel arrangements in the working bodies of the EU Council. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. She specializes in issues of European law.

Selection from publications:

– Cestovní právo [Travel law], Praha,C.H.Beck, 2015, 474 pages (together with Havlíčková, K.)

– Nová směrnice EU o souborných cestovních službách a spojených cestovních službách – co je nového a co zůstává? [New EU directive on package travel and linked travel arrangements – what is new and what remains?], Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 3/2016, pp. 29-35

– Bariéry cestovního ruchu: sborník příspěvků z kulatého stolu konaného dne 5. listopadu 2013 [Tourism barriers: Proceedings of the roundtable held on 5 November 2013], Praha, Havlíček Brain Team 2014 (contribution)

– Cestovní ruch ve světle nové právní úpravy: sborník z kulatého stolu 11. listopadu 2014. [Tourism in the light of the new legislation: Round Table Proceedings 11 November 2014.] Praha, Havlíček Brain Team 2014 (contribution)

– Právo a cestovní ruch: sborník příspěvků z kulatého stolu konaného dne 15. listopadu 2012. [Law and Tourism: Proceedings of the Round Table held on 15 November 2012.] Praha, Havlíček Brain Team 2013 (contribution)

Doc. PhDr. et JUDr. Jan Štemberk, Ph.D. He studied history and Slovak philosophy at Charles University’s Faculty of Philosophy. At the Faculty of Law of Charles University he graduated from the branch of law. In 2011 he habilitated at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in the field of economic and social history. Since 2004 he has been working at the University of Business in Prague. As one of the few historians, he deals with the history of tourism in the wider context of the development of partial services, as well as with the question of legal regulation of tourism. Author of three monographs and several dozens of articles in Czech but also in German, English, Slovenian and French, especially on the history of tourism.

Selection from publications:

– Fenomén cestovního ruchu. Možnosti a limity cestovního ruchu v meziválečném Československu [The phenomenon of tourism. Possibilities and Limits of Tourism in the Interwar Czechoslovakia], Pelhřimov – Praha 2009, 298 pages

– Štemberk a kol. Kapitoly z dějin cestovního ruchu [Chapters from the History of Tourism], Pelhřimov – Praha 2012, 224 pages

– Czechoslovakia as the Tourist Destination 1918-1938, Prague Papers on the history of International Relations 2008, pp. 355-374

– Tourism in Economy of the Interwar Czechoslovakia, Prager wirtschafts- und sozialhistorische Mitteilungen / Prague Economic and Social History Papers, vol. 11, 2010, pp. 96-108

– Československo-polská turistická konvence 1925 [Czechoslovak-Polish Tourist Convention 1925], Slovanský přehled 97, 2011, No. 1-2, pp. 217-231

-Tourismus als soziale Kategorie. Struktur und Haupttendenzen des Tourismus in der Tschechoslowakei der Zwischenkriegszeit, in: Kapiteln aus der Geschichte des Sozialstaates, München, Verlag Lang 2012, pp. 45-55

– Technické novinky v československé dopravní legislativě [Technical innovations in Czechoslovak transport legislation], in: Věda a technika v českých zemích mezi světovými válkami [Science and technology in the Czech lands between the world wars], Praha, NTM 2014, pp. 283-290

– Meziválečné návrhy právní úpravy cestovního ruchu a současnost [Inter-war proposals on tourism legislation and the present], Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica 3/2016, pp. 147-156